Hybrid Meetings & Electronic Signing - Changes to the Corps Act 2001 Cth for Australian Companies
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Hybrid Meetings & Electronic Signing - Changes to the Corps Act 2001 Cth

Changes to the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) mean that virtual company meetings and electronic execution of company documents will apply from 1 April 2022.*

Subject to the company’s constitution:

🔸 Hybrid and wholly virtual meetings are permitted - members may attend in person or remotely;

🔸 Specified company documents may be transmitted electronically or sent in hard copy;

🔸 Where a proprietary company has a sole Director, that Director may sign under section 127 without the company secretary co-signing;

🔸 Split execution is permitted which allows signatories to sign using different methods to sign company documents.


*Changes relating to the signing of documents were in force from 23 February 2022.

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