Part 2 Caring for, supporting & protecting children and young individuals
When the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission register an organisation, its charity ‘subtypes’ are also publicly registered.
These reflect the category of that organisation’s charitable purpose, which is what its activities will work towards achieving.
Each subtype has a specific meaning under the law.
The subtype for discussion today is for Advancing social or public welfare.
This is part 2 of a 5-part series on this subtype as it covers a broad scope of purposes.
This is a purpose introduced by the Charities Act, and includes purposes previously recognised in charity law (such as the relief of poverty and the relief of the needs of the aged).
The Charities Act confirms that the following purpose (among many others) is included:
Caring for, supporting and protecting children and young individuals
Some examples of charities that care for, support and protect children and young individuals:
o Child care services
o Services for disadvantaged youth or 'at-risk' youth
If you need legal advice about a charity or not-for-profit, get in touch with us for a free 15-minute consultation: