The ATO guidelines determine supplies made by charities GST Free
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The ATO has issued guidelines on how to determine whether supplies made by charities GST Free

The ATO has issued guidelines on how to determine whether supplies made by charities for nominal consideration are GST-free if they are for *nominal consideration for the purpose of benchmarking.

Supplies by endorsed charities are GST-free if they are for provided for *nominal consideration. GST-free activities:

🔸 If you are an endorsed charity, your supplies are GST-free if you provide them for *nominal consideration.

🔸 An endorsed charity must be: 1. registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission; and 2. also be endorsed by the ATO to access these GST charity concessions. Consideration and *nominal consideration:

🔹 Consideration means all payments, both monetary and non-monetary for the supply, regardless of who makes the payments.

🔹 Nominal consideration is when an endorsed charity makes a supply and the consideration received satisfies the relevant threshold test.

To view the full guide and applicable definitions and tests, enter "QC 32370" in the search function on the ATO website.

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